Redefining community with
a new spin on a local practice.

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In Singapore, it’s common practice to use a pack of tissues or a personal item to reserve a seat at a public eatery. But having a dispensable item on you every time you head out to eat can be a hassle. The CHOPE movement is our way of helping Singaporeans save a seat (and time!) with a pack of tissues that can be quickly transformed into a reserve sign. Handed out at every major eatery across the island, these handy packs are also refillable and easily customised. A simple act, but one that builds on common ground between Singaporeans and reinforces the way we identify as a community.

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the seat is mine!

Want to go out for lunch? Let us help you to CHOPE a seat! CHOPE coming your way this 20 November.

Redefining more
than CHOPE!

We redefine community by providing more than just CHOPE! Save the day and pass it on.